How To Make Search Engine At Blog
Of course you already know what the Search Engine. Search Engine can not be separated in the internet world. With Search Engine we can find about a case that we want according to our keywords entered. Here is how I make a search engine in a blogger. It is very easy:
1. Login to blogger click Design, select page elements> then select Add Gadgets
For a new blogger dashboard - click on the layout and select add a gadget
2. then display Add a gadget appears, select basic. In the list select HTML / Javascript then copy / paste the script / the following code in the content space.
Of course you already know what the Search Engine. Search Engine can not be separated in the internet world. With Search Engine we can find about a case that we want according to our keywords entered. Here is how I make a search engine in a blogger. It is very easy:
1. Login to blogger click Design, select page elements> then select Add Gadgets
For a new blogger dashboard - click on the layout and select add a gadget
2. then display Add a gadget appears, select basic. In the list select HTML / Javascript then copy / paste the script / the following code in the content space.
<form action=""
method="get"> <input class="textinput" name="q" size="30" type="text"/>
<input value="search" class="buttonsubmit" name="submit" type="submit"/>
Replace yourblogname with the name of your blog. Figure 30 shows the length
of the box (text box) search.
then do not forget to click the save