Installing Google Translator

on 21 Jan 2013

Installation Translator widget or "translator" on blogs is very necessary. Translator is useful when our blog visited  accidentally by visitors from other countries who see our blog and do not know our language, then they can use this widget to translate it into the language they want. Here's how to insert a translator on your blog.

1. Login to Blogger then select the Layout menu
2. Then click on Add Gadget
3. select HTML / Javascript
4. Then enter the following script into it.

<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({
pageLanguage: 'ms',
includedLanguages: 'ar,zh-CN,zh-TW,nl,en,tl,fr,de,hi,id,it,ms,ru,es,th,vi'
}, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script src=""></script>

5. Save it. 

Monitor the number of visitors

on 17 Jan 2013

Monitor the Number of Visitors

For those who have a blog or website would like to know by the number of visitors who are online. There are several additional tools (widgets) that we can use.
Here are some websites that provide specific widget to display the number of "user online" with a variety of interesting shapes.
Advantage of this widget is the display of online visitors in real time and can also see if an article is viewed by visitors to our website as well as the country of origin. Not require registration just copy the code provided on the blog or our website. 
Try to sign in then copy and paste the html code that is in the front page. 
This widget is very easy because it does not need to copy the javascript code on our website. But the lack of this widget is not realtime, must refresh to see new visitors come. 

Making Shout Box

on 16 Jan 2013

Making Shout Box

shoutbox is a box that serves to enter orders, but can also serve as a chat (chat). Shoutbox usually inserted into a web page / blog with java script language. We can get from the Cbox shoutbox. The method is as follows:

1. Open the web Cbox and sign up.

2. Fill in the blanks on the form provided;-
    Cbox name: the name of your cbox
    Email Address: Enter the email is still active
    Password: Enter the password to log in
    Confirm Password: Repeat password entry
    Website: Fill in the URL / Address your Blog
    Language: English for Cbox
    Style: Style cbox intended

3. Tick in the box I have read and do agree to the terms and conditions of Cbox service.

4. Then click on the create my cbox

Now you have already completed a register and have an account cbox.

How to install Cbox

1. Log in to your cbox account.
2. Click to publish.
3. Copy the code provided.
4. Login to (your blog) and then select Add Page Design Elements
5. Add the element of HTML / Javascript.
6. Copy the code that you copy from earlier in the "Content" and
save it to see the results.

Make Characters Move

on 9 Jan 2013

Make Characters Move

This time I will show you how to make text move.
Here is the code we will use:

 <marquee>moving letters</marquee>
moving letters

Standard marquee moves from right to left, we can turn to some form of motion and shape with the addition of the code as shown below:

bgcolor = background color  
direction = direction of motion (left,right,up.down)
behavior =
characteristics of movement (scroll,slide,alternate)
scroll (
rotate text)
slide (
moving text once and stop)
alternate (
text moving from left to right and turned back)
Title =
words appear when the mouse is over the text  
Scrollamount = speed setting movement   
Scrolldelay = set period of time  
Loop = Set the total

From arah left to right
<marquee direction="right" >from left to right</marqueefrom left to right

The left and right and then turn back
<marquee behavior="alternate" >left and right and then turn back</marquee>
left and right and then turn back

From left to right in a period of time "10"
<marquee direction="right" scrollamount="10" >From left to right in a period of time 10</marquee>
From left to right in a period of time 10

Point the mouse pointer over the text and it stops
<marquee behavior="alternate"onmouseover="this.start()"onmouseout="this.stop()">mouse over the text, stop</marquee> mouse over the text, stop

If you want to do go up or down replace Direction = "down" or "up"
<marquee bgcolor="yellow" direction="down" height="100" width="70%">from top to bottom</marquee> from top to bottom

Text with background color
<marquee width="70%" bgcolor="red">from right to left</marquee>
from right to left

Getting Back Post that was Deleted

on 3 Jan 2013

Getting Back Post that was Deleted

Blogger is providing a undelete this blog to recover deleted blog. But, how if we want to get back a deleted post.

Here are some ways to recover a deleted post:

The first way

Get a cached copy of the web and enter the back post from cache

Type in the search cache:

historyThe second way:

This method is suitable if you are still working with the computer where you make the post. Press Ctlr + H to open the history list in the sidebar. Get where you have to edit the post and continue to edit or publish the post (or copy and paste from the cache that displays post).


How to Insert Youtube Video at Your Blog

on 2 Jan 2013

How to Insert Youtube Video at Your Blog

1. Visit the website and find a video you want to insert.


2.  Then, after the video appeared press the share button.

3. Then click on the embed code below. copy the code.
    embed kod 

4. Log in to the blog. Then click on the new post. After that select edit html, paste embedded code.

5. Then click publish post to see the results. The video size can be changed by making modify the   
    code above. best of luck    

How to Create Text Blink

on 30 Dec 2012

tulisan berkelip

Blink text on blogs used to attract visitors to view and click the link. Its very easy way just put the code blinks on the front and rear of the text. If you want to do just add the text blink on front and back blinks code like this:

<blink>Blinking Text</blink>
Code must be closely, if there is an empty space between the sign <> to blink it does not work

Blinking Text

To put the text blink on the link, use below code;-

<blink><a href=""target="_blank">MAKE A LINK TO TEXT</a></blink> 



Note: Only suitable for certain browsers: Netscape (some version only) and Mozilla Firefox. Internet Explorer does not support these tags. 
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